This is reprinted from the racing Trakbox help page
All pre-production prototypes have a firmware version that writes a data file to the root of the SD card
The file name is TrakBox.csv
csv stands for comma-separated values
A csv file is a human readable text file that stores different values separated with a comma Most popular spreadsheet programs can open this file type.
The file output is as follows:
millis,MM/DD/YYYY,hh:mm:ss,lat,long,gps speed,altitude,temperature,humitity,atmospheric pressure,linear accel x,y,z, orientation x,y,z
Scales of the readings in the above order
millis is as emitted by the crystal of the microcontroller and is not exactly accurate in milliseconds
month day year per RTC
hour minute second per RTC (24 hour format)
Latitude per GPS
Longitude per GPS
speed in MPH per GPS
altitude in feet above sea level (calculated from BME180 atmospheric pressure)
temperature in Celsius per BME180
humitity in percent per BME180
atmospheric pressure in h/PA per BME180
linear acceleration in feet per second on the X axis per BNO055
linear acceleration in feet per second on the Y axis per BNO055
linear acceleration in feet per second on the Z axis per BNO055
orientation in Euler angles on the X axis (pitch) per BNO055
orientation in Euler angles on the Y axis (roll) per BNO055
orientation in Euler angles on the Z axis (yaw) per BNO055