Brake ducting development

originally posted 7.5.2024
This discussion is for the front brake ducts. Specifically the portion which attaches to the strut housings and calipers/discs. This hardware has be prototyped and used on track but was fabricated using steel and aluminum and is heavy. Lighter weight construction is needed

originally posted 7.6.2024
Two fabrication methods are being considered, 3D printing and composite construction. To facilitate 3D modeling of the brake ducts so they may be 3D printed a model shall be drawn. Investigate if components including the strut housing, caliper, disc and caliper mount can be sent for 3D scanning. Spare parts to do so are available so as not to impact current development on the car. The main component to be fabricated is an approx. 3" diameter round duct which will connect to 3" flexible brake ducting hose at one end and terminate on top of the brake caliper exhausting directly down on top of the friction pads and top of disc. I envision this component being fabricated from two pieces. One piece will be the mount portion which attaches to the vertical strut housing tube. Roughly rectangular in shape with flanges to fix to the tube using banding to secure to the tube. The other piece being the round tube section which transitions to the dome over the top of the caliper directing the airflow downward on top of the pads and disc.

The shop has spare parts for anyone who has 3D scanning capabilities. We would like one upright with rotor and caliper scanned for use in 3D software. South East USA would be best for shipping costs
send PM if you can help