SCCA’s Track Night in America
Sebring International Raceway
113 Midway Drive,
Sebring, Florida 33870
click the link above for a map
This is a recurring event.
Usually once a Month on a Thursday evening. The event runs from 4 pm to 11 pm. Currently the 2025 event calendar has not been posted.
During spring 2025 the teams intends to evaluate track readiness for the number 31 ITS. This is not a competition event. No racing or timing will occur but the driver/vehicle will be running / participating on track at speed.
If you are interested in crewing , please contact the team immediately and you will be added to the team communications list so you will know the schedule in advance.
This is a SCCA event (Sports Car Club of America)
Warning: This event will include live on track sessions. Crew members volunteer at their own risk, motor sports is dangerous.
The Team requests the following:
Pit Crew
Transportation / Truck Driver
valid drivers licence required
Volunteers will receive a team tee-shirt
Volunteers admission will be provided
Volunteers are welcome to all hospitality events
Cold beverages and meals will be provided
Transportation costs / fuel will be reimburse
Accommodations may be reimburse / provided