[Event] Track Test - Sebring, FL - Crew, transport

SCCA’s Track Night in America

Sebring International Raceway
113 Midway Drive,
Sebring, Florida 33870

click the link above for a map

This is a recurring event.
Usually once a Month on a Thursday evening. The event runs from 4 pm to 11 pm. Currently the 2025 event calendar has not been posted.

During spring 2025 the teams intends to evaluate track readiness for the number 31 ITS. This is not a competition event. No racing or timing will occur but the driver/vehicle will be running / participating on track at speed.

If you are interested in crewing , please contact the team immediately and you will be added to the team communications list so you will know the schedule in advance.

This is a SCCA event (Sports Car Club of America)

Warning: This event will include live on track sessions. Crew members volunteer at their own risk, motor sports is dangerous.

The Team requests the following:

Pit Crew

Transportation / Truck Driver
valid drivers licence required

Volunteers will receive a team tee-shirt
Volunteers admission will be provided
Volunteers are welcome to all hospitality events
Cold beverages and meals will be provided
Transportation costs / fuel will be reimburse
Accommodations may be reimburse / provided


There are a lot of pro events down here in sunny Florida during the spring. During this period there are often support events that make participating less expensive and the team is working on the Number 31 ITS competition return may schedule testing events in the near future.

Also, if anybody wants to meetup for any of the pro events post here. Here are a few upcoming.

January 10-12
Hoosier Racing Tire SCCA® Super Tour season opening round

February 20-23
SCCA and HSR club racing and historic racing

March 12-15
12 hours of Sebring