Racing TrakBox Help
Help and support for the Racing TrakBox set up and use.
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If you have a question just start a new topic.
The racing TrakBox is an open source data acquisition system built by the team at My Race Data.
If you have a question or comment about the Racing TrakBox please start a new topic in this category.
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The TrakBox Help Category is to provide support for anything Trakbox related.
The racing TrakBox is data acquisition system built from inexpensive hobbyist level development boards. The TrakBox is rigidly mounted inside a competition vehicle and used to evaluate the performance of the vehicle by recording sensor data, such as location and speed. The data is recorded onto a microSD card and can be retrieved for later analysis.
The TrakBox Dashboard is an online file viewer for the files recorded by TrakBox. This category can also be used for questions about TrakBox Dash
Go to the TrakBox Dashboard here
Check out the TrakBox Help Page here
The engineering team monitors this category and provide support
The racing Trakbox is open source hardware and runs open source firmware
Learn more at the My Race Date Github repository